Almazara Ecológica de La Rioja
We are a family run company involved in the olive cultivation business. Our concern and interest in the environment mean that our olives are grown using organic farming methods i.e. without the use of chemical fertilisers, weed-killers or any other product that causes toxic residues. Regular samples of our crops are taken by the controlling authorities and analysed in official laboratories. These tests then authorise our use of the logo that annually certifies the denomination of organic farming license n.º RI-98/0017/P.

At the time of our first harvest we realised that our efforts in organic cultivation were somewhat fruitless as the only oil presses available to use were not nature friendly and didn't avoid the use of the olive remains (alpechin) and gave more importance to oily performance than quality. We therefore decided to construct a small olive oil factory in order to control the whole process and thus ensure an extra virgin olive oil which is both organic and of the very best quality.